Thanks to the Fun Day Committee
22nd August 2013
Following yet another successful Mark Fun Day held on 6th June this year, The Chairman of the Fun Day Committee, Rev'd Graham Halsall, invited all those involved in the planning and running the event to a BBQ at St Saviour's Vicarage.
The day had been very pleasant with warn sunshine, and as those attending arrived it was a fine evening with the sun shining down and all gathered on the lawn whilst Rev'd Adrian Arnold slaved over the hot barbecue.
The PGM and Graham, thanked everyone for all the hard work that they had put into the event and Adrian served up the food that had been prepared during the day by Pauline, Lydia and Graham. As the sun went down a shower arrived but with people heading for the kitchen (where the sweets were being kept) or just for shelter under the trees, the enjoyment continued and all resumed back to the lawn for the evening when the rain stopped.
A wonderful evening enjoyed by all as can clearly be seen in the photographs kindly supplied by Colin Mills.
Only one thing remains, a big thank you to Graham and Pauline for inviting us.
Article by Mike Beesley, webmaster.